Es ist an der Zeit unser Charity Projekt WORLD NEEDS MORE PINK vorzustellen, längst überfällig. Jeanet und ich betreiben es voller Herzblut und glauben daran, das wir gemeinsam die Welt ein klein wenig besser machen können.
Viel Zeit und noch mehr Kosten haben wir bereits investiert. Unser Plan ist, dass wir in spätestens 5 Jahren effizient unterstützen können. Es gibt viele Menschen und wohltätige Organisationen da draussen, die Hilfe dringend benötigen. Wir tun was wir können, ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste. Das ist okay, denn wir glauben an die Sache. Und führen kann man nur durch Vorbild.
Doch es ist schwer den Weg (fast) alleine zu gehen. Wir suchen immer noch Partner, die wie wir Ihren Beitrag leisten möchten. Auf unserer Seite „“ bieten wir Euch an ebenfalls zu helfen und das ohne eigenen Mehraufwand. Ja mehr noch, es gibt viele Vorteile.
Zu jedem Verkauf von Kunst, Geschenke, Produkte oder Dienstleitungen wird ein Teil gespendet. Wir appellieren also an:
- Besucher und Kunden: kauft ein und tut etwas Gutes.
- bestehende und künftige Partner: tut Gutes und sprecht darüber.
Ja, ich weiss … wer nicht gefunden wird, existiert nicht im Netz. Trotz professionellem Online Marketing – welches leider oft zu kurz kommt – ist der Weg noch weit. Bitte macht doch etwas Werbung für uns. Sprecht über uns. Verteilt uns. Irgendwer kennt Irgendjemanden, richtig? Und ein nettes Wort „Du, ich habe da was gehört …“ tut nicht weh. Danke Euch.
Eine 5 * Bewertung (Rezension) würde uns persönlich helfen, bei Google Maps für:
- Manfred, Web Pro Design - Jeanet: by the sea
Unsere eigenen Business Einträge helfen uns dieses Projekt weiter zu finanzieren. Es reichen ein paar wohlwollende Worte zu unserem Engagement. Stichwörter: Charity Projekt / world needs more pink / Online Shop für Kunst, Geschenke, Produkte und Services / von jedem vermittelten Verkauf wird ein Teil gespendet / Jeanet ist … / Manfred ist … / Attribute: engagiert, kompetent, hoch qualifiziert, professionell, vertrauenswürdig, aufrichtig, direkt, sympathisch, humorvoll, … / klare Empfehlung / Danke.
Okay, genug getratscht, hier der Overview …
- The color DeepPink – from now on only called Pink – is most often associated with compassion, charity, helpfulness, tolerance and empathy.
- It started with a series of paintings called “the world needs more pink”. The artist Jeanet gave one of these paintings as a gift to a friend, because Oscar loves wearing socks in pink.
- Oscar thanked her and a mail from Jeanet follows: “Oscar, glad you like the small edition of “world needs more pink”. Seriously that’s my opinion, … if the world had more pink it wouldn’t be so brutal. Yes, i should realize this in much bigger size. Then you would be a trendsetter with your preference for pink”.
- Her idea turned into something bigger. The project “world needs more pink” is born. Jeanet spontaneously get Manni (her web designer) on board. After a busy weekend, the pilot website is ready.
- Many brainstormings and iterations later, the website goes live, in April 2022.
- This charity project is running since 2022. We offer to help people who need support.
- We offer and broker various kind of art, gifts, products and services from our partners.
- Note: a part of every item sold is donated to a good cause. See our projects.
- Together with our partners we want to make the world a little bit better.
- We are solid in life. Maybe we are a bit naive. No reason not to try.
- We believe in peace, tolerance and respect.
Ms. Jeanet Hönig (Switzerland)
Artist, Designer and Coach
Mr. Manfred Stoltze (Germany)
Web Designer & Marketing
- We have known each other since 2021 as business partners.
- We are now good friends and together we want to make the world a little better.
- In her free time, Jeanet is also involved in Ukraine and supports her good friends. She shows solidarity and supports a dedicated and experienced team of highly qualified agronomists. Even under difficult climatic conditions, amazing results are achieved there. Giving up is not an option. See Karpaty Agro Product.
- As an experienced computer scientist, Manfred runs many other charity projects in his local area. He is committed to the neighborhood (LENA Konstanz) and political climate protection (BAS Konstanz). He’s a loving uncle, an „i allow everything“ and upbringing terminator, smile.
- Our website is powered by 100% renewable energy. Certificate from THE GREEN WEB FOUNDATION.
- We think and act accordingly. Protecting the environment starts with everyone itself. We separate the garbage correctly, buy regionally and avoid plastic waste. In addition we live as paperless as possible and use sustainable energy.
we search
- People and companies who want to help.
- More partners to make the world a better place.
we offer
- You can help people who need support without extra effort.
- From every sale (brokerage only) of art, gifts, products or services, a part will later be donated to a good cause. See project page.
your added value
- You will receive free online marketing through us and we will promote your items/services on our website and social media portals.
- You generate more visitors and more customers through us.
- You sell your articles and/or services without any additional effort. Your standardized order processing remains intact.
- Your level of awareness and your ranking on Google & Co will be increased by us.
- Oh yes, you did a good thing.
what we do
- We broker and sell your art, gifts, products and/or services.
- A percentage of each item offered is set by you and later donated.
- Once or twice a year we will issue you with an invoice based on sales/brokerages.
- There is no payment in our shop.
- You will receive an email with the order.
- As a partner, you have your own backend for content maintenance.
- We are happy to support you with training, documentation and help.
be a partner
- Please contact us. Use the contact form or send an email to
- Then, we will send you a non-binding email with a flyer (key data, advantages, concept, process).
- We will contact you after a reasonable time. We are happy to answer your questions and are also available for presentations.
more Pink
do good and talk about it
Danke, dass Sie sich für uns Zeit genommen haben.